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发布时间:2014/12/9 16:35:08


Recall the Eventful Years and Look Forward to Prosperous Tomorrow

n  On the celebration of 60th anniversary of HPDI_2021




《峥嵘篇:1954——1978年》Eventful Years: 1954—1978

《成长篇:1978——1998年》Growing Period: 1978—1998

《发展篇:1999——2006年》Development Period: 1999—2006

《飞跃篇:2006——2014年》Leap Period: 2006-2014


《展望篇:未来与期盼》Ending: Envision: Future and Vision



(解说)北京。熙熙攘攘的德胜门外大街。 Beijing, the crowded Deshengmenwai Street.

(解说)在临街一侧的办公楼里有一个响当当的名字:中交公路规划设计院有限公司。业内人都亲切的称它为公规院。In the office building along the street there is a famous corporation: CCCC Highway Consultants Co., Ltd which is called HPDI_2021 by the people within the sector.


《峥嵘篇:1954——1978年》Eventful Years: 1954—1978

(解说)建国之初,百废待兴。共和国交通设施的恢复和兴建面临着巨大的困难。1954823日,公规院的前身,交通部公路总局设计局正式成立,担负起了国家公路规划勘察设计和管理的职能。Many things all over the country were waiting to be done at the earliest days of the nation. The republic was faced great difficulties and challenge for its infrastructure reconstruction and new construction. On 23rd August 1954, the predecessor of HPDI_2021 — the Design Department of the Highway Bureau under the Ministry of Transport was officially established to bear the responsibility of master planning, investigation, design and management of the national highways.

(解说)当时我国交通事业的发展还处于最初阶段,每一项事关国计民生重大任务的实施都面临着巨大的困难和考验。其中,康藏公路就是老一辈交通人攻克重重困难让天堑变通途的典范之一。公规院人克服流沙、冰川、松石、悬崖峭壁、地震和塌方的危险,用生命、用信念铺出这条金光大道,为西藏的建设起到了重要作用。It was at the beginning stage of China’s traffic development, each task regarding national economy and people’s livelihood was confronted with great difficulty and challenge. The Xikang-Tibet Highway is one example, which was built and opened to traffic after the elder generation overcoming numerous difficulties. They conquered the danger of drifting sand, glacier, unstable rocks, cliff, earthquake and landslide, and finally paved such a bright road which played an important role in constructing Tibet with their lives and determination.

(采访)鲁世宗:当时我们有三个测量队,我是当中一个,我们是从四川雅安到拉萨,一共走了一个月。天气很冷,晚上牙膏都冰冻了。Lu Shizong: At that time there was 3 survey teams, and I was one member of them. It took 1 month from Ya’an to Tibet by feet. It was cold, and in the evening, toothpaste was frozen.

(解说)19541225日,康藏公路正式通车,藏族人民深情的把它誉为金桥 On 25th December 1954 the Xikang-Tibet Highway was opened to traffic and it was honored as the “Golden Bridge” by the Tibetan people.

(解说)在1954年到1978年近25年的时间里,公规院共完成了212条公路的测设,完成桥梁测设70余座。其间,编写了中国第一代公路桥梁设计技术规范、概预算定额,首次编制了公路桥梁标准设计图等。During the period of almost 25 years from 1954 to 1978, HPDI_2021 completed investigation and design for 212 roads and over 70 bridges. During this period the first Technical Specification for Design of Highway and Bridge, Preliminary Budget Quota and the Standard Design Drawing for Highway and Bridge in China were prepared by HPDI_2021.

(采访)王展意:五十年代,公路设计院还组织设计了一批桥梁标准图,正式出版供全国各省市自治区使用。Wang Zhanyi: In the 1950’s, HPDI_2021 also compiled a series of standard drawings for bridges which were published and used all over the nation.

(采访)苏善根:设计标准图的工作对于指导全国各地加快设计工作很有作用。Su Shangen: The standard drawings are quite useful for speeding up the designing work by the whole country.

(解说)这25年里,老一辈公规院人用无怨无悔的努力拼博,不仅为我国公路与桥梁事业的大发展奠定了稳固的基石,更为新中国公路与桥梁的发展史撰写了开篇之作。During these 25 years the older generation of HPDI_2021, with their diligent work, not only laid a solid foundation for the great development of bridge industry but also kicked off the development of China’s highway and bridge engineering.


《成长篇:1978——1998年》Growth Period: 1978—1998

(解说)改革开放犹如一阵春风,吹遍神州大地,作为中国路桥勘察设计的先锋队伍,公规院也进入了一个迅猛发展的新阶段。With the wind of opening and reform blowing all over the country, HPDI_2021, as the pioneer of highway and bridge fields in China, stepped into a new stage of rapid development.

(解说)在1978年到1998年二十年的时间里,受交通部委托,公规院编制完成了《国家干线公路网》、国道主干线公路系统规划、全国公路主枢纽规划;协助交通部完成了六五七五八五等计划;代部审核了近三百个国家重点项目。完成或参与完成了京津塘、沪宁、深汕高速公路等近百个项目可行性研究工作。During 20 years duration from 1978 to 1998, HPDI_2021 was commissioned by the Ministry of Transport to master plan the national trunk highway network, national arterial highway system, and national highway major hubs, to assist the Ministry of Transport in implementing the programs of Sixth Five-Year Plan, Seventh Five-Year Plan and Eighth Five-Year Plan. In the meantime almost 300 national key projects were checked by HPDI_2021 on behalf of the ministry, and tens of feasibility studies were done including the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway, Shanghai to Ningbo Expressway and Shenzhen to Shantou Expressway etc..

(采访)王延林: 这个工作制定好了以后,得到国家批准,现在公路建设的规模和公路网的布局,就是那个时候制定的。Wang Yanlin: These master plans were approved by the government, on which the present highway construction scale and layout are based.

(采访)庞俊达:在规划和政策性研究方面当了政府的咨询单位,做了很多的工作。Pang Junda: We worked as the consultant for the government in terms of planning and research on policies.

(采访)冯仲异:经过几代人的努力,令我们院取得了很大的成绩。Feng Zhongyi: Thanks to great efforts of generations, HPDI_2021 obtained great achievements.

(采访)周海涛:特别是五纵七横国道主干线的规划研究工作,在当时对全国的高速公路发展发挥了重要的作用。Zhou Haitao: Especially the master plan and study of the Five North-South and Seven West-East National Trunk Highway network played a significant role in the development of national expressways at that time.

(解说)1984,公规院与美国路易斯伯杰公司共同投资成立了华杰工程咨询公司,它是我国最早成立的也是目前国内最大的中外合资工程咨询公司之一。In 1984, the CHELBI was established with the joint investment by HPDI_2021 and American Louis Berger. It is the one of earliest engineering consultants firms jointly funded by China and foreign countries.

(采访)凤懋润:华杰工程公司引进了国外先进的计算机辅助设计的技术。Feng Maorun: CHELBI introduced the advanced computer assistance technology in design.

(采访)解绍璋: 华杰公司又率先的在国内学习菲迪克的工程管理理念和菲迪克合同条款。Xie Shaozhang: Later CHELBI took the lead in China to learn FIDIC project management concepts and FIDIC contract conditions.

(解说)从1978年参加设计的四川泸州大桥开始,公规院特大型桥梁的设计水平迅速提高,特大型桥梁设计进入了快速成长时期。From the Sichuan Luzhou Bridge in 1978, the level for designing super-large bridges was significantly improved and HPDI_2021 entered into a fast development period.

(采访)彭宝华:当时在长江上建造的第一座(公路)大桥,就是泸州长江大桥。Peng Baohua: At that time the Luzhou Yangtze River Bridge was the first highway bridge across the Yangtze River.

(解说)到1998年,公规院设计完成的跨越黄河、长江、珠江及海湾的特大型桥梁有30多座。其中,虎门大桥、江阴大桥、海沧大桥、南京二桥、军山大桥、铜陵大桥等均已步入了世界桥梁先进水平之列。By 1998, HPDI_2021 has completed over 30 super-large bridges designing crossing the Yellow River, Yangtze River, Pearl River as well as some bays, of which the Humen Bridge, Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge, Haicang Bridge, Nanjing No.2 Yangtze River Bridge, Junshan Yangtze River Bridge and Tongling Yangtze River Bridge top the list of outstanding projects in the world.

(采访)曾宪武:公规院主持设计了虎门大桥,南京长江二桥。Zeng Xianwu: HPDI_2021 was the leading firm in the design of the Humen Bridge and Nanjing No.2 Yangtze River Bridge.

(采访)金增洪:戴竞同志应该是桥梁界的一个泰斗,王建瑶是我们的设计大师,对江阴桥的上马我们是很积极的,江阴桥在中国桥梁建设史上具有里程碑的意义。Jin Zenghong: Mr. Dai Jing is a leading magnate in the sector of bridge engineering and Mr. Wang Jianyao is a design master. We positively and aggressively participated in the Jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge, which is a milestone in the history of bridge construction in China.

(采访)杨高中: 对公规院我深有感情,院领导给了我这个机会,使我有机会去设计这些国内著名的大桥。Yang Gaozhong: I have deep emotion in HPDI_2021 and I was given the opportunity by the leaders to design these famous bridges.

(解说)在公路勘察设计上,1978年参加测设的京津塘高速公路为我国高速公路的发展起到了巨大推动作用,随后参加设计的广深珠、沈大、济青等高速公路不断提升了我国高速公路建设的水平。由公规院设计的交通部公路交通试验场是目前国内设施最齐全的集公路工程、汽车工程及交通工程研究为一体的大型综合试验研究和新技术开发基地。In respect of highway survey and designs, the Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway HPDI_2021 participated in 1978 promoted China’s expressway development, and the following involvement in the design of expressways of Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Zhuhai, Shenyang-Dalian and Jinan-Qingdao improved the level of expressway construction in China. The Highway Transportation Testing Ground of the Ministry of Transport designed by HPDI_2021 is the most-facilitated comprehensive base for testing and new technology development, integrating highway engineering, automobile engineering and transportation engineering research.

(采访)王开山:在京津塘高速公路的可行性研究当中,第一次引用了四阶段分析法,做OD调查,交通量的预测结果,得到世界银行的认可。Wang Kaishan: In the feasibility study of Beijing-Tianjin-Tanggu Expressway, four-stage analysis method was firstly adopted to do OD investigation, and the traffic volume forecasting results obtained was confirmed and approved by the World Bank.

(采访)杨孟余:公规院是试验场的总体设计单位,从立项、选址开始到工程可行性研究,以及总体规划,各种特殊试验路的初步设计,施工图设计的全过程。Yang Mengyu: HPDI_2021 was the design unit for the testing ground, participated in the whole process from project proposal, site selection to project feasibility study and the general planning, as well as the preliminary design and detailed design for various testing roads.


《发展篇:1999——2006年》Development Period: 1999-2006

(解说)时光的车轮来到了1999年,这一年,公规院转企并入中国路桥集团总公司,由事业单位变为企业。在改制后的几年时间里,公规院特大型桥梁设计继续保持着强劲势头,相继设计完成了西堠门大桥、坝陵河大桥、黄埔大桥、青岛海湾大桥等多座国内外著名桥梁,仅2003年至2004年间,就设计完成了5座特大型桥梁:苏通大桥、杭州湾大桥、南京三桥、阳逻大桥、深圳湾大桥,不仅规模大、数量多,而且科技创新能力也不断提高。As it came to 1999, in this year HPDI_2021 turned to an enterprise under CRBC from a government institution. During a few years followed, the extra large bridge business maintained a strong growth, and successively completed the designs of many later world-renowned bridges including the Xihoumen Bridge, the Balinghe Bridge, Huangpu Pearl River Bridge and Qingdao Bay Bridge. In the short period from 2003 to 2004, HPDI_2021 completed the designs of 5 super-large bridges such as the Sutong Yangtze River Bridge, Hangzhou Bay Bridge, Nanjing No.3 Yangtze River Bridge, Yangluo Yangtze River Bridge and Shenzhen Bay Bridge. All these bridges are large-scaled, and meanwhile have been built with constantly improved scientific and technologic innovations.

(采访)孟凡超:大学毕业以后来到公规院参加工作,主要从事特大型桥梁勘察设计和设计管理工作,先后大大小小参加了20多个大型桥梁的勘察设计工作。Meng Fanchao: I have been working in HPDI_2021 after graduation, and am mainly engaged in design and design management for super-large bridges. I have participated in more than 20 large bridges survey and design works.

(解说)在众多优秀的桥梁设计中,2004年设计完成、2008年建成通车的苏通大桥是一个标志性项目。苏通大桥建设条件十分复杂,如何建成世界第一座千米跨径斜拉桥,设计者面临着巨大的挑战。The Sutong Yangtze River Bridge, design completed in 2004 and opened to traffic in 2008, is a landmark project. The physical construction conditions are quite complex, how to build the first cable-stayed bridge spanning over 1000m imposed great challenge to the designers.

(采访)张喜刚:当时承担苏通大桥的设计任务,对我们这支年轻的队伍来说既是一次重大的挑战,也是一次人生的机遇。在近8年的时间里,我们始终以如履薄冰,高度认真负责的态度在努力工作,积极的融合现代桥梁设计的新理念,坚持技术创新,力求实现技术先进,安全可靠,实用耐久,经济合理,美观协调,富有时代风貌!Zhang Xigang: Undertaking the design of Sutong Bridge was both a great challenge and life-time opportunity for such a young team like us. For almost 8 years we had been constantly taking each step with caution and working with a high sense of responsibility, actively integrating new concept of contemporary bridge design, adhering to technical innovation, striving to achieve the goal of building a bridge with advanced technologies, safe and reliable structures, cost effective with grace shape and times feature.

(解说)苏通大桥形成的千米级斜拉桥建设关键技术成果,得到了国内外著名桥梁专家的一致高度评价,也获得了包括国家科技进步奖一等奖、美国土木工程师学会杰出土木工程成就奖和菲迪克全球百年杰出土木工程奖在内的多项国内外重大奖项。通过苏通大桥等多个重大项目,公规院也培养出了一批桥梁专家,带出了一支以中青年技术人员为主体、能打硬仗的中国特大型公路桥梁设计队伍。The technical achievement of the Construction Key Technologies for Cable-stayed Bridge Spanning over 1,000m based on Sutong Bridge received high appraisal by the famous bridge specialists in the world. The work has been awarded Chinese prizes and world reputations, including the First Prize of State Science and Technology Progress, Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award in ASCE and FIDIC Centennial Outstanding Civil Engineering Award. Through the Sutong Bridge and some other major projects HPDI_2021 has cultivated a group of specialists in bridge engineering field as well as a young but tough and talented design team for super-large highway bridge engineering.


Meanwhile, the highway survey and design technology of HPDI_2021 has been rapidly developed. More than 10 high-class highways have been designed and completed during this period, including Chengdu-Nanchong Expressway, Hainan Island Ring Road, Wuxi-Yixing Expressway, Xindi-Mahuangguo Expressway, Tianjin-Shanwei Expressway and Jincheng-Jiyuan Expressway, etc.

(采访)杨平:公规院在市场竞争中树立了自己的优秀品牌,得到了市场的高度认同和信任,公规院也获得了突飞猛进的发展。Yang Ping: HPDI_2021 has set up its brand in market competition, which has obtained high indentify and trust of the sector, and the development of HPDI_2021 has been advanced by leaps and bounds.

(采访)李华:公规院是一个人才济济技术密集的科研生产单位,为我国公路建设、桥梁建设、公路技术标准规范的建设都做出了极大的贡献。Li Hua: HPDI_2021 is a technology-intensively scientific research and consultant unit, full of talents, and has made great contributions to national construction of highways and bridges as well as preparation of standard specifications. 


HPDI_2021 designers left their intelligence and sweat in each bridge and road project, and gained the trust of the people and greater public praise in the industry.


《飞跃篇:2006——2014年》Leap Period: 2006 to 2014


At the end of 2005, CCCC was founded by incorporation of CRBC and CHEC. HPDI_2021 became a wholly owned subsidiary of CCCC that listed in 2006.


At the beginning of 2007, facing the fierce market competition the new leading team started thinking about how to rise to the occasion with new concepts and mechanism, and how to make HPDI_2021 for long-living enterprise.


Soon, at the end of 2007, HPDI_2021 carried out an optimization project for organization structure, salary and performance assessment to make a comprehensive reform for the company. In the meantime relying on good mechanism, groups of top professional talents has been cultivated by HPDI_2021. At present the percentage of doctor and master degreed personnel accounts for 43%, while the young and middle-aged staff below 35 years accounts for 62%. The business performance of HPDI_2021 has been obtained significant boost: the new signed contact value is 600 million Yuan in 2006, 1 billion Yuan in 2008, and it reached 2 billion Yuan in 2013. 


During this period, the traditional brand project continued to keep the leading position. Several large bridges were completed and opened to traffic one by one: The Sutong Bridge, Hangzhou Bay Bridge and Xihoumen Major Bridge in 2008, E-Dong Yangtze River Bridge in 2010, Qingdao Jiaozhou Bay Bridge in 2011, Xiangshan Port Bridge and Nanjing No.4 Bridge in 2012 and the Jiashao Bridge in 2013. Out of the world top-10 cable-stayed, suspension and sea-crossing bridges, HPDI_2021 has designed 2, 4, and 5 respectively. 


During the same period high-classed highway survey and design work of HPDI_2021 has been developed rapidly over the nationwide, several thousand of the new and reconstruction expressways commenced in succession. DaGuang Expressway, QingLin Expressway, Nanjing Bypass, Ningbo ChuanHao Expressway, Inner Mongolia BaoShu Expressway, Shanxi LinJi Expressway, Gansu Chengwu, Shanxi XiLanShang, Sichuan ChengZiGong, Guizhou HuiXing, Yunnan DaLi, Guangdong GuangZhuXi, Hainan HaiTun, totaling some 20 expressways have been completed.


HPDI_2021 rapidly develop the new business while making the traditional bridge and road field be stronger and larger to form the good development pattern.


From 2008, HPDI_2021 is responsible for the overall design of Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge which is the longest and the first in the world combining bridges, tunnels and islands forming a super sea-crossing traffic passageway. Its construction will lead China to the leading position of the same type infrastructure. 


In 2009, for the first time in China the double layers lane tube prefabricated technology was adopted for the Nanjing Weisan Road Tunnel under the Yangtze River, which boasted the first large diameter shield tunnel with the deepest buried depth and highest water and soil pressure.  


In 2012, HPDI_2021 completed its first BOT project: Guizhou to Wengan Expressway. This is a positive exploration for business mode.


The survey and design of the Foshan Subway Line 2 was a breakthrough in rail transit field. The project was commissioned by CCCC in 2013.


After many years of hard workings, HPDI_2021 has set up the business brand of bridge and tunnel monitoring and maintenance. In recent years, HPDI_2021 is entrusted by the Ministry of Transport to undertake inspection of the long and large bridge in China, which lead the develop direction of the long and large tunnel and bridge monitoring and inspection fields and establish the lead position in the industry.


HPDI_2021 has been actively implementing the oversea strategy of “going out”, and the projects spread over Europe, Asia, Africa and South America. In 2011, HPDI_2021 was awarded with the 3rd Bridge across Panama Canal, which is the first project that obtained by international competitive bid. The Second Penang Bridge in Malaysia designed by HPDI_2021 were completed and opened to traffic in March 2014.  


Innovation comes from development and growth needs innovation. To train the high level talents in bridge engineering and promote the technical outcome to transform, HPDI_2021 formally established the Bridge Technologies Research Center in 2008. During these 6 years, fruitful achievements have been obtained not only in bridge numerical simulation and research, but also the new type bridge structures study and standard and specification research. All of these work has lain a solid and reliable foundation for setting up the only national engineering research center in China which is named as National Engineering Research Center for  Large Highway Bridge Construction.        


60 years dedicated design and study has obtained the trust and appraisal from the clients, the government and national people, as well as numerous prizes.


In the past sixty years, HPDI_2021 has won over 300 awards in technological progress and design merits, of which the national level reaches nearly 100 prizes. Many bridges, such as Sutong Bridge, Hangzhou Bay bridge, Xihoumen Bridge are not only awarded the national prize including TIEN-YOW JEME CIVIL ENGINEERING PRIZE, Golden Prize for National Outstanding Engineering Design and National Golden Quality Prize, but also awarded international award, including the Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award of ASCE, and George Richardson Award at International Bridge Conference. The Sutong Bridge has won the FIDIC Century Outstanding Civil Engineering Award(subtitles: only 10 in the world), and the chief designer Mr. Zhang Xigang has been awarded FIDIC Century Outstanding Engineer(subtitles: only 6 person in the world) .    

(解说)2011114日,国家科技奖励大会在人民大会堂召开, 依托苏通大桥完成的《千米级斜拉桥结构体系、设计及施工控制关键技术》荣获国家科技进步奖一等奖殊荣。在颁奖大会上,张喜刚受到了胡锦涛主席的亲切接见。同年12月,张喜刚获得首届十佳全国优秀科技工作者称号。在领导班子带领下,公规院荣获交通运输行业优秀科技创新团队、建国60周年十佳自主技术创新企业、全国勘察设计行业创新型优秀企业等荣誉称号。

(explanation)  The national scientific and technical awarding conference was hosted in the Great Hall of the People on 14th January 2011. The Key Technology of Structure System, Design and Construction Control for Kilometer Level Cable-stayed Bridge that based on the Sutong Bridge was awarded the first prize of National Scientific and Technical Progress. In the awarding ceremony, Mr. Zhang Xigang was kindly met by Chairman Hu Jintao. In December of the same year, Mr. Zhang Xigang won the honor ofTop-10 National Outstanding Scientific and Technical Workers. Under the leadership of the board of directors, HPDI_2021 has won many honors in transportation sector, including Extraordinary Scientific and Technical Innovation Team, Top-10 Independent Technological Innovation Enterprise and Outstanding Innovation-type Enterprise.


HPDI_2021 took a new step of reform under the new situation in 2014.


Pei Minshan: Along with change of the market situations, the new reform blueprint has been portrayed for the company.  We will carry forward our tradition and forge ahead into future, actively integrated into “five contractors CCCC” strategy, strive for creating seven brand business systems covering bridge, highway, bridge maintenance, tunnel and rail transit, urban projects, project management and international business, maintain and set up five advantage brand in bridge, highway, bidding agent, submarine tunnel and bridge maintenance. With more passion and stirring aspiration, HPDI_2021 will be built to be a first-class in China and world-renowned international consulting firm.


Jiang Zhixin: All staff of HPDI_2021 will work harder in the team, strive for success, reform and innovation, adapt to market to build a glorious HPDI_2021.


结尾:《展望篇:未来与期许》Prospect period: future and expectation 


Tracing back to the past 60 years, generations of HPDI_2021 engineers have painted many elegant and exquisite blueprints on the land and across the river over the nation, just like the flower buds to bloom in our motherland. Through unceasingly exploration and continuous innovation, HPDI_2021 has already grown to be one of brand enterprises, the core competitiveness being the survey and design of super large bridge, with strongest competence and large influence in China and the world.

(采访)张喜刚 回顾60年来取得的这些成绩,离不开几代公规院人的努力拼搏,也离不开职工家属们的理解和奉献,更离不开各级领导、各位专家的亲切关怀和有关单位给予的大力支持与帮助。面向未来,公规院一定会秉承优秀文化,继承光荣传统,坚持创新发展,努力为我国交通事业的发展再续新的篇章。

Zhang Xigang: 60 years achievements owns to the diligent work of generations of engineers, and their families understanding and devotion, the concern of the leaders and experts and the support and help from many organizations. For the future, HPDI_2021 will inherit the extraordinary culture and good traditions, stick to innovation and development, and do our best to write a new chapter for Chinese transportation industry.  


Under the guidance of the 5 contractors CCCC strategy, the goal of HPDI_2021 is to achieve the first-class in China and world-renowned international engineering consulting firm, promote transformation by reform and innovation, seek for development by strengthening coordination and promotion, and create more and better achievements to make new contribute to Chinese transportation industry, achieve new glory and make China dream come true..